The plan was to start at the 5th of jannuary to go to mexico city and from there to guadalajara to meet manni and fligh with him together at the 6th to cancun. But because of my style of writing you can imagine that it was quiet more complicated.
I started at the 5th in zuerich and the man at the desk of aifrance said welcome to me, with the words ohh maybe you will have some problems with your flights and he was right that fuckin didn't connect any flight and there should be a lot of trouble. I started in zuerich with 1hour delay and arrive well in paris. After 2 hours delay we could wait further 1 hour inside of the aircraft until they told us that the flight will be cancelled like 14 otherones because of bad weather conditions. So we had to leave the plane to step at the end of a queue where thousands of people were waiting for their new ticket. After 7 hours standing i recieved my ticket for the next day. That meant that i had to book a new flight from mexico city to cancun, to arrive at the 6th in cancun. I was supported by diana from the outstation in zurich hahahah.
Well after a very cold night at the airport with almost nothing because there were no blankets anymore and i had to wait for 2 hours more to get food, i left paris without something but therefore with delay of course. That something was my lugage. When all the rebooked passengers arrived from paris in mex city no one of them had their lugage and all captured a claim protocol except me. I had no time to do this asked only if they will keep my lugage when it arrives. I had to leave to the other flight which was leaving in a half hour. They told me it will be no problem and i can take it 2 weeks too, when I wolud be back in Mex City. That meant that i had to travel the first half without any clothes only with my camera.